64 Zoo Lane Wiki
Ep 8 1

Adam can't play football, because football is for big animals only. Unless the watermelon has split into pieces, Adam is forced to be the game's football for the animals to play.


Main Zoo

Lucy is very nervous about having friends, telling the animals that there may be kids older than Lucy in football. Suddenly, she is surprised by a creature in the form of a ball who reveals to be an armadillo named "Adam". Adam felt the same thing as Lucy did, reminding him of a story that takes place in South America.


One morning, Adam the Armadillo was climbing the mountains of South America. He likes to roll down the mountains like all armadillos do. He sees his friends far from the mountains in the valley: Jazz the Jaguar, Leopoldo the Llama, and Duddley the Sloth who are getting ready for football, so is Adam. Soon as he meets his friends at the valley ready for football, Jazz, Leopoldo and Duddley taunt him and prevent him from playing football, saying he's not big as the three are.

Soon as Adam watches the other three play football with a watermelon during a match, the watermelon, however is divided into pieces, which is later taken away by ants, resulting in Jazz, Leopoldo, and Duddley to look for another football. Adam is accepted to play football, but can't be on anyone's team to which in order to play this game, Adam must be the football. The animals began playing the game with Adam as a football, but ends up being deployed to a cave during the game.

The animals stopped near the cave, thinking the cave is filled with monsters in it, leading the big animals to try and rescue him, but are not sure what to do. Leopoldo and Duddley argued to see who should enter the cave first, which Jazz decided to draw straws to see who can go in first. Leopoldo picked the shortest one to go in first. As Leopoldo entered the cave, a loud noise scared him away, followed by Jazz also entered the cave, but the noise scared him too and later Duddley stayed in the cave for a very long time to rescue Adam who in turn gets scared of the loud noise in the cave.

Realizing from their mistakes, Jazz, Leopoldo, and Duddley began working together to rescue Adam from the cave. They finally found Adam at the end of the cave which they thought of rescuing Adam from the monster in the cave, but there is no actual monster. It was just the echo of Adam's sneeze. Besides, Adam says he is just a little animal and the other three are big, which they started laughing, but the noise caused an echo in the cave.

Adam began suggesting the other animals to play football after solving the case of the monster. Later on, Adam and the other animals began playing football. This time, Adam isn't the football. The story ends with Adam finally playing football with the other animals.

Moral Ending

Lucy is very happy with the story told by Adam. Molly began saying that tomorrow is a big day for Lucy which Georgina brings her to bed.

First Appearances

  • Adam the Armadillo
  • Jazz the Jaguar
  • Leopoldo the Llama
  • Duddley the Sloth
  • Adam's Mother (mentioned only)
  • Ants (no lines)





  • This is the first appearance of South America and its residents.